Phantom wallet extension (Official Site)®

Phantom is a popular self-custodial phantom wallet extension designed for the Solana blockchain. It is presently available as a free browser extension for Brave, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and With over one million users, Phantom is a trusted companion for NFTs and DeFi across Solana, Ethereum, and Polygon 123. You can download phantom extension and With over one million users, Phantom extension is a trusted companion for NFTs and DeFi across Solana, Ethereum, Support. Download. The crypto wallet that’ll take you places. Phantom is a multichain wallet that lets you explore web3, use apps, and buy, store, and trade crypto and NFTs across Solana, Ethereum, and Polygon. It’s easy, safe, and fun Phantom Wallet extension Explore the ultimate crypto experience with Phantom Wallet App and phantom wallet extension. Effortlessly manage your digital assets through this seamless